In order to make your web site easier for search engines to follow and index, Onpage optimization efforts are deemed necessary.
Onpage optimization is not difficult. It does however take time to make sure all the pieces are in place. This kind of optimization should occur not only on the main web page of a web site, but on every single content page within that site.
Check your web-design
In your web site, there can be potential design issues you should address in order to improve your web site's ranking in search engines.
* Pages that use Frames, Flash, JavaScript, URL Redirects, Image Maps, or Dynamic URLs might not be recognized by the search engine.
* It doesn't matter for which purposes you use JavaScript, e.g. drop-down menus, put it at the end of HTML Body or place into a separate file, e.g. menu.js. This will move the important content closer to the beginning of this page and improve its keyword prominence. I
* Make site with clear hierarchy and text links. Check for broken links.
Keyword Selection
Choosing the right keywords is essential to get a high ranking in search engines and directories. Before beginning, determine the keyword phrases you will use according to your business and industry and begin adding them to your page.
Points to consider when choosing keywords:
* When choosing your keywords, try to think like your target audience. What would THEY search for, when looking for the page online?
* Make a list of two or three keywords for each page on your Web site.
* Try using phrases (two or more words) that you think people might enter into a search engine when looking for your site.
For example, Instead of "painting," add the more descriptive phrase "professional interior home painter."
* Investigate your competition. Conduct sample searches using keywords that you would prefer to use, and then identify which phrases other companies are using.
Hint: To see which keywords a competitor has used for a particular Web page, follow these steps to view the HTML source code for the page:
* Open the page in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
* On the View menu, click Source or Page Source.
* Find and view the keywords within the < META > tag sections of code.
Create a descriptive Title tag
The title tag should be the first meta tag directly after the Head tag.
Points to consider when creating your title tag:
* Make sure that your title tag is 60-75 characters long, including spaces.
* Include 1-2 of your most important keyword phrases in the title tag.
* Don't just list keywords in your title tag; by doing so, you risk being viewed as spamming the engines and directories.
* Each page on your Web site should have its own title tag.
To edit your title tag:
* Open the HTML source code for your page in a text editor or Web authoring program.
* Make sure your title tag is placed correctly. It should appear between two HEAD tags within the HTML that makes up your page.
Create effective Meta tags
Meta tags are the words written in the HEAD section of the HTML code for your web page. Search engines and directories use them to flag your site, so well-selected meta tags can help improve your site listings.
Points to consider when creating description & keyword tag:
* This is how you will enter a description meta tag into your HTML code. This meta tag should not exceed 150 characters, including spaces:
* Include meta description tag, directly after the TITLE tag
* The keywords meta tag should include 3-4 of your most important keyword phrases and should not exceed 280 characters, including spaces. Here's how you create one:
* Think of common misspellings. For example, the same travel site might include "Caribean", the common misspelling for "Caribbean”.
* If your site has content of interest to a specific geographic location, be sure to include this information (city, state, country, and so on) in your keyword meta tag.
* Be careful not to repeat the same word more than five times.
* Avoid using stop words. Some common stop words are a", "of", "the", "I", "it", "you", and "and.
Optimize your web page copy
The actual text on your web site, your page copy, is very important. Search engines use the text on your page to optimize search engine results, just as they do with your title tag. Points to consider when writing your page copy:
* Make sure that each page of text you submit contains at least 300 words. Search engines like text!
* Include your most important keyword phrases within the text, but make sure that your copy remains logical and easy to read. Put your keyword where it is most appropriate so that it appears 3-5 times on this page.
* The keyword phrases should be present at the beginning of the page i.e. the first 25 words of the visible text of the page.
* It would be helpful if some keyword phrases in the page copy are bold and underlined.
* Your page will be more relevant if your keyword appears at the end of the visible text. Try to put it in the last paragraph of your copy.
* Do not use font size one (1) text as the default text size. Many search engines consider Tiny text to be spam. It's OK to use some font size one text.
* Add additional copy-filled pages to your site (for example, add how-to articles, tips, or tutorials).
Use "alt" attribute for images
The "alt" attribute allows you to add a keyword phrase that relates to an image. Search engines look at these too when trying to find a matching page. Here is an example of how to use the "alt" image attribute:
* To add the "alt" attribute to any image, make the following change to your image tag HTML code:
* Write a brief sentence or two to describe each image.
* Incorporate the keywords phrase used in your page copy, title tag, and your meta description.
* Avoid adding more than 2-3 keywords to your alt description.
Optimize text hyperlinks
Some search engines seek keywords in hyperlinks and any text that immediately surrounds the hyperlinks. If possible, include your most important keyword phrases in hyperlinks and the surrounding text.
Points to remember when optimizing text hyperlinks:
* Include your most important keyword phrases within the hyperlink.
* Include your most important keyword phrases in the text that immediately precedes or follows the hyperlink.
* After adding phrases, make sure that your links and surrounding text are still clear and concise.
Optimize the heading tags
The important HTML heading tags are h1, h2, h3, and h4.
* Reformat your page to create more headings. Break copy into separate sections. Add a heading to each section.
* Include your most important keyword phrases in heading tags
Robots File
Several search engine spiders rely on the existence of a file in the root folder in order to continue with the crawling and indexing process for a website.
* Create a robots.txt file in the root folder
* robots.txt file will contain –
User-agent: *
Naming Rule
It is critical to name the filenames appropriately, since these will be indexed by spiders. If a domain-name, directory, file & image are named using an important keyword, it will add more keyword weight when linked from the one page to another.
* Use keywords to name Directories
* Use keywords for Filenames and Images when possible
* Use keywords for Anchors
* Use keywords for images
* Use keywords for Link text
* Use hyphen ( -) or underscore ( _ ) as a separator while naming directories and files.
Domain Registration
Register a domain name with the exact keyword phrase you wish to target, using hyphens to separate the keywords. For example, if the keyword phrase is "search engine rankings," then register:
If the domain you want is unavailable, either try a different extension, such as .NET, .INFO, or .US, or add a keyword to the end (preferential) or beginning of the domain
Pages & Directory Levels
Keep your pages as close to the root domain as possible. Do not set up more than 3 directory levels. For example:
* (1st level - excellent)
* (2nd level - Good)
* (3rd level - OK)
* (Too many levels down - search engines will find it difficult to find and index pages this far down)
Site Map
Include a site map with links to all your pages. This will help search engines find and index all your pages.
* Limit the number of links on a web page to 50.
* If you have more than 50 links, limit your links to your most important pages.
* Include text on the page as some search engines, such as AltaVista, have been known to kick out links only pages
Avoid spamming
To prevent search engines from identifying your site as one that's capable of "spamming," adhere to the following tips:
* List keywords only in your meta tag. Avoid long lists of keywords in your text.
* Make sure there is no 'hidden text' (text that is the same color as the background) on your page.
* Use only one title tag.
* Submit each page only once within 24 hours.
* Use keywords in your keywords meta tag that directly relate to the content of your page.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Onpage Optimization - Tips
Posted by
Navdeep Trivedi
3:15 AM
Labels: alt-tags, meta-tags, on page, on page optimization, onpage, onpage optimization, optimization, robots.txt, search engine optimization, seo, usability
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