Thursday, March 13, 2008

Reputation Monitoring Now Easy

In ordert to check the comments & views about your brand, products, services and url on world wide web, you can save the custom rss feeds on variety of sources below:

Google News
Google Blog Search
BlogPulse and

You can use My Yahoo, My MSN and google reader to subscribe to any or all your rss feeds.

You must know about iGoogle, google's new service which alllows you to save various rss feeds on the iGoogle home page.

Also google alerts sends you email alerts about your interest on a daily basis. You can also use google's advanced search feature to search your interest.

You can also use Trackur which provides you reputation monitoring services by paying some dollars on a monthly basis.

Thus by setting up alerts, tracking new search results, and checking discussions across blogs via RSS feeds you can easily monitor views about your company, brand and address any brand damage.

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