There is a very nice post on Search Engine Land containing the questions to be asked while interviewing candidates for SEO position.
Here is the link to the post.
Friday, April 18, 2008
SEO Interview Questions?
Posted by
Navdeep Trivedi
1:43 AM
Labels: interview questions, seo interview questions, seo position interview
Monday, March 31, 2008
Robots.txt - Standards
Hi friends,
Today I came across a very nice article about robots.txt on SEO Chat by James.
It covers topics of ranging how to create robots.txt for your web site, use of various syntax to allow and disallow various robots, search engine spiders to crawl your web site, internal directories and specific files, adding sitemaps auto-discovery, crawl-delay and adding comments in the robots.txt file.
Here is the link to the article.
Posted by
Navdeep Trivedi
1:13 AM
Labels: Crawl-delay, robots.txt, robots.txt - Commenting, sitemaps auto-discovery
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
TrustRank and factors responsible for increasing TrustRank
Yahoo has introduced TrustRank phenomenon. It is a link analysis technique done manually by the experts that separates the useful web pages from the spam pages.
Like you trust web sites to choose products you buy and services you avail, similarly search engines decide which web site pages to include in their index.
Following are some of the important factors which search engines consider to gain and increase the TrustRank of web sites pages:
- SSL Certificate
- Hackers Safe Services and Logo
- Long time registered domain name (10 years)
- Street mailing address and contact info
- Privacy Policy
- Inbound links from major membership sites and authority sites.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Reputation Monitoring Now Easy
In ordert to check the comments & views about your brand, products, services and url on world wide web, you can save the custom rss feeds on variety of sources below:
Google News
Google Blog Search
BlogPulse and
You can use My Yahoo, My MSN and google reader to subscribe to any or all your rss feeds.
You must know about iGoogle, google's new service which alllows you to save various rss feeds on the iGoogle home page.
Also google alerts sends you email alerts about your interest on a daily basis. You can also use google's advanced search feature to search your interest.
You can also use Trackur which provides you reputation monitoring services by paying some dollars on a monthly basis.
Thus by setting up alerts, tracking new search results, and checking discussions across blogs via RSS feeds you can easily monitor views about your company, brand and address any brand damage.
Posted by
Navdeep Trivedi
8:35 PM
Labels: management, monitoring, online, reputation, reputation management
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Some interesting facts about Social Media
- 62% of MySpace visitors are older than 25 (40% are 35+), and 83% are makíng over $30,000 a year. Nineteen percent (19%) are makíng $100,000 and up...
- On 46% are over 25 and 34% are 35+, but they've got deep pockets. Eighty-eight percent (88%) makë more than $30,000 and twenty-three percent (23%) makë $100,000 or more.
- Social media giant Facebook is currently ADDING a million 25+ (non-student) adults per week to their rosters. That's 52 million new users a year.
- gets over 50 million unique visitors per month. That equals over half a billion a year.
- Facebook and MySpace have the equal daily traffic of Google. Experts predict within the next year they will DOUBLE the daily traffic of Google search.
(Source: Easy Web 2.0 Internet Marketing: Strategies for Quickly Building an Audience with Social Media by Gary Smith)
Posted by
Navdeep Trivedi
10:48 PM
Labels: SMO, social marketing, social media, social media optimization
Friday, February 15, 2008
Convert Clicks in to Conversions
Follow these tips for the landing pages & increase conversion rate of your web site:
- Clearly specify the value proposition for the product. Think as a customer as to why would I buy this product.
- Identify the goal funnel and make sure the value proposition should be specified through-out the funnel pages. This will help you to retain the customer until he completes the purchase.
- The design and the layout of the web site should be simple and easy to navigate:
- divide all the pages into different sections for proper site navigation
- use appropriate & meaningful graphics
- use breadcrumbs to let visitor know where he is
- distinguish visited & non-visited links
- Use call to actions on pages to drive visitors to cart section. They should be visible without scrolling.
- Make sure there shouldnt be horizontal scrolling on pages. Also the height of the page should be too long.
- If you have any offer e.g. free shipping, any discount, display it clearly on the web site.
- Ask for testimonials from your current customers and highlight them on your web site. This will drive the visitors to purchase your products.
Posted by
Navdeep Trivedi
5:21 AM
Labels: conversion, how to, improve conversions, web site
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Internet Advertising Scenario in India
Internet Marketing Facts & Figures
As of the end of 2007's third quarter, Google had almost 25 percent of the U.S. Internet advertising market, up from almost 21 percent in 2006's third quarter, according to IDC. Meanwhile, Yahoo's share during this period dropped to 11.3 percent from 12.3 percent, while Microsoft's declined to 5.2 percent from 5.8 percent, according to IDC.
In search usage, Google held a commanding 62.4 percent of queries worldwide, followed by Yahoo in a very distant second place with 12.8 percent, according to comScore. Microsoft ranked fourth with 2.9 percent, after Baidu (5.2 percent).
Internet Marketing and India
The latest report from CIA Factbook pegs the Indian Internet audience at 50.6 mn, 4th behind the US, China & Japan. The future growth in the Internet audience is expected to be from Brazil, Russsia, India & China (BRIC). Needless to say, the growth in the Internet audience will of course fuel a huge growth in advertising and communication on the Internet.
• The use of the Internet will move from just being a PC phenomenon to accessing the world wide web through other devices like mobiles, smart phones, etc.
• Mobile phone are growing at a very fast pace in India, especially the CDMA segment. This augurs well for the internet access, especially since the access device is beyond the PC.
• The Internet penetration in India is just about 4.5%. Hence, growth potential is huge. In the next five years, India is tipped to be the No. 2 country in terms of Internet Audience, 2nd only to China.
• The Internet audience in India is predominantly a male audience (70% male), 50% + in the 20 to 39 years age group and the largest primary access point is office. All this makes the Indian Internet audience a highly desirable audience for any marketer.
• To put this in perspective, the overall English print readership is around 30 mn and the English print advertising market is about US$ 400 mn. Compared with this the size of the Internet advertising market in 2005 was US$ 26 mn. The growth potential, is therefore, really huge.
• Display advertising is expected to grow at a rate of at least 50% for this year. In 5 years time, display advertising on the net is expected to grow to US$ 128 mn. Adding on search, which is growing at a phenomenal pace ( In the US, search accounts for 40% of the spends on the Internet and this trend is being mirrored elsewhere), the overall advertising spends on the Internet is estimated to be around US$ 214 mn.
• This would be approximately 4.9% of the overall advertising spends in the country. Again, the projections seem quite on track as the Internet spend ratio in the US for 2004 was at 4.8% and for the 2005 at approx. 6.5%.
• If anything, the actual spends may even be higher than the current projections.
Posted by
Navdeep Trivedi
10:15 PM
Labels: advertising, advertizing, facts, figure, india, internet, internet advertizing, scope
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Attributes determining Google Adwords Quality Score
Below are the attributes or the factor (listed as per the order of their importance) which actually determines the quality score of Google Adwords account:
Click-Through Rate: An advertisement’s click-through rate within Google’s search results page.
Ad Text/Keyword Relevance: Static placement of keywords within an advertisement’s body copy and headline.
Historical Performance: An algorithm that collects multiple quality scores for a single keyword in order to determine whether a keyword’s performance is increasing or decreasing.Landing Page Keyword Relevance: The placement of core keywords on each landing page.
Keyword Bid Price: How much the advertiser is willing to pay per-click.
Overall Ad Group Performance: The tabulation of every keyword’s quality score within an ad group which determines the ad group’s score.
Predictive Performance: A calculation that predicts how a keyword will perform in the future by combining past, current and predicted quality scores.
Keyword Match Type: Using broad, exact and phrase match within your ad group for each keyword.
User Behavior in Relation to other Paid Listings: An algorithm that incorporates the number of paid listings a user visits before they take an action on your landing page.
Human Review: A review conducted by real-live Googlers who review and determine if an advertisement is relevant to a specific search.
Landing Page Conversion Rate: The number of conversions generated directly by a pay-per-click advertisement.
User Behavior in Relation to Organic Listings: An algorithm that incorporates the number of organic listings a user visits before they take an action on your landing page.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Ways to improve traffic to your web site
Follow these steps and you will see quantum increase in your web site traffic-
- Write and submit articles: E.g.,, etc. E.g. Current Trends In Enterprise Collaboration
- Social bookmark each and every pages of your web site, no matter how many pages are there, e.g.
- Add your web site to important directories no matter you have to pay for it, e.g., etc.
- Its worth to submit your web site to, although its tricky and time consuming.
- Create an impressive email signature containing a link back to your web site and always use it in all your email communications.
- Create an RSS feed for your web site, e.g. news, events, products etc and submit it to feed directories. Its worth burning the feed on
- Set up a social bookmarking site using facebook, linkedIn etc.
- Start a blog and once you do it, start commenting about it on other blogs.
- Start newsletter campaign and you will be blessed with massive amount of traffic to your web site.
- Dont forget to speak about your web site in to magazines, publications etc.