Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How to optimize PDFs

Friends, you can Optimize PDF files. Yes its true. I am referring optimization in context of search engine optimization.

To verify, how many PDF files are being indexed in the google search engine, type the following command - filetype:pdf

Do you want to update the page title of pdfs which appear as "Untitled"?

Full version of Adobe Acrobat allows you to set all kinds of info in the PDF file i.e. Title, Keywords, Suject, Auther etc, that doesn't show up in the visible part of the file, but it does get read by search engines.

Open your PDF file, click on File > Document Properties > Summary. This will allow you to add title and other info you want to. Click Save and you are done.

This is a very nice article on webpronews by Andy King on Fri, 04/01/2005 mentioning the best practices while creating any PDF files.

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